วันอังคารที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


In my opinion, every country has a nice culture if it is a culture that does not harm anybody. Some of culture is used to make people polite, but some of it comes from the environment, such as the Thai greeting that comes from Buddhism. Whatever, it makes people feel good about society. I think that every culture makes people respect religion and people who are older.
Sometimes people in other country see culture in another country and think that it is not proper in their opinion, because they do not know about it deeply or they are not familiar whit it. Every country has a different culture. Some is good and some is bad. A bad culture, such as culture in India that lets people to be a slave forever until they die, and culture in Africa that lets people who have black skin to be a slave, is not good. However, this is less than good culture such as culture about eating in Europe that makes people polite.
It is hard to explain what culture really is, because it has so many styles. I think that every culture has its own history. Every culture comes from environment of their country. They develop because people want them. People want them to last forever in their country.

What Society Expect Of Me

I believe that adults expect teenager to be good people, also my parents too. Most adult expect teenagers to be a skillful person for work and get money for their family or country. Some of them think that if you learn high level and you are skillful person, you will be a good person.
When I was young, my parents have an expectation for me that I should learn very hard. They expect me to be the number one of the family, have more ability than my uncle. That is for pressure me. So, I don’t like it.
My uncle who is very smart let me learn with him in his free time (when I was young). He had very big expectations and pressured me until now. It made me sometimes not like him. However, on the other hand, he loves me so much.
It makes me feel bad when my friends go to Central and I stay at home to read a book or do homework. I am very bored of this. I want to play sport, travel, play computer games and go out with my friends.
That is what I do now! I play sport, play computer games, go out with my friends, sleep at midnight and do everything that I want. It makes my score worse. Now, that is problem. My family have more expectation to me!
