วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parent’s Opinions

I think I do not know much about my parent’s opinions and also do not know what the main opinion of them is. My parents really like RA school because they think that this school has a good surrounding and fresh air. They think that this school makes students think out of frame and has own opinion, also when these students grow up, they can be a good person. My parents do not like society in present. They think that children who were born in this century have a worse life than their age, because now we have many things that attract us that make us easy confuse with our self. But I really disagree with it because I think that now we have high technology for live, that easy to use and quickly for many works.

My parents think that have a very good health is better than have a billions of baht of money, because if you are cancer, it hard to cure. Billions of baht money cannot save your life.

So I think everybody must have own reason for their opinion, my parents is one of all too. But I do not know why because I really do not interest of my parent’s opinion.

วันอังคารที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

How do you feel when you do something special or important?

In my life I think I have done many things that were important, but I don’t know how important it was, or if it was important. For example I have got a biodiesel project in science class that I think is very important for my grade, this school and this world. This project really made me active about it. I think I will do it to the best of my ability. Before I got this project, I came to school on holiday and helped secondary 5 made biodiesel. I really liked it and wanted to do it too. So when I was in the second school term, I chose the biodiesel project. Today is the first day that I made biodiesel for this project, that made me very excited about it. On the other hand, I made many mistakes that are waiting for repair. I must find more information and learn about it at a higher level, that made me feel bad because it is harder than I thought before. It is not just making “biodiesel” a success but I must learn more about it.

I think I have done many special things too, most of it for my friends and my parents. I like to give them a handmade present that I made by myself .I think many people did not think that is special, but I think that is very special for me. I like to do it because it is from my ability and my heart.

Lastly, I think the important and special thoughts of people are not same. Maybe if you do a little thing someone else might think that is very special.
